Table of contents
  1. STAM
    1. General introduction
    2. Published Metadata
    3. Published Collections
    4. LDES

General introduction

STAM is the Ghent city museum. It presents the story of the city of Ghent. A permanent circuit leads visitors along a chronological trail of objects and multimedia which trace the development and growth of Ghent. Temporary exhibitions explore the concept of ‘urbanity’ from different angles. STAM’s real showpiece, its raison d’être, is the city itself. A visit to the city museum is not complete without a visit to Ghent.

Published Metadata

publishing institution MaterieelDing.Beheerder Naam Bewaarinstelling
objectnumber Object.identificator Waarde Objectnummer
objectname Entiteit.classificatie Term Objectnaam
title MensgemaaktObject.titel Titel
note Entiteit.beschrijving Korte Beschrijving
creator Activiteit.uitgevoerdDoor Naam Vervaardiger
creator activity Rol.activiteit of Rol.rol Rol Vervaardiger
place of creation Gebeurtenis.plaats Naam plaats vervaardiging
time of creation - start Gebeurtenis.tijd Begindatum
time of creation - start - precision Gebeurtenis.tijd Precisie begindatum
time of creation Gebeurtenis.tijd Periode
material MensgemaaktObject.materiaal Materiaal
technique Activiteit.gebruikteTechniek Techniek
acquisition Activiteit.gebruikteTechniek Term verwervingsmethode
acquisition location Gebeurtenis.plaats Plaats verwervingsmethode

Published Collections

The collection of STAM embodies Ghentian cultural heritage and focuses on the physical appearance of the city and city life in general. Therefore, the collection has a wide and diverse array of objects that are, each in their own way, related to Ghent. A selection of the event stream containing objects from the collection of STAM - Ghent City museum:

  • Cityscapes: painted and drawn scenes of Ghent, from the 16th century until today, that illustrate the transformation of the city
  • Collection Spruyt: Ghentian doctor Adolphe Spruyt gifted his Chinese collection of pottery, porcelain, furniture, textiles and paintings to the museum. The collection comprises objects from the seventh to the nineteenth centuries, as well as several items from the Han dynasty.
  • Coins and medals: a large and diverse collection of coins relating to Ghent
  • Stained glass: some 300 small stained-glass windows from which the majority date from the sixteenth century
  • City photography: STAM commissioned several photographers to portray Ghent in all its facets. Photographers include Karin Borghouts, Sanne De Wilde and Ives Maes.

